Tuesday, October 14, 2014

TuMe is coming!

TuMe team in 10mila 2004
Many felt so far that Tume is a bit stuck in high-quality results. Already a few years, even online, we are disappiering from commentaters voice. I was suprised, but no wonder people are concentrating for top 3 or just for 1st place. Interesting I wonder what will be just around the upcoming 2015 season .. However, the choice has been made for a number of high-end athletes. I have known at least five athletes will add this club line and thus the competition will be at a higher level. Some of the athletes - Scott Fraser, Yannick Michiels .. I hope all tume now begun to rustle, and thoughts have already been a great impetus to want to blow up the result desk with competitive result..
See you in Smalandskavlen 24-26.10.2014
New TuMe season starts on 26.11 near Paimio, Jukola terrain is waiting.

Result list 2004, 10mila

Can we repeat history or get higher?

Some memories Night Hawk 2013:

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